

TEL. 0276-46-8400

〒373-0819 群馬県太田市新島町269-7

海外折衝業務を代行Dadicated Aquent for Automotives Stamping Dies

中小金型メーカーの橋渡し役       (日刊工業新聞 2003年6月29日掲載)

Nikkan kogyo Shinbun on January 29th,2003

The Kataya.com is a professional stamping die Engineering and Management
 company dealing overseas. (‘Kataya’ is a Japanese generic term and means die maker or die manufacturer.) They make over bridge between foreign markets and Asian/local die makers offering through their die maker's network and using their dedicated Website as aids of business. Ota city of Gunma prefecture is the most industrial city in Japan in conjunction with die making and its sources. 
“We try to encourage Asian/local industry with our expertise.” said by Mr.Takagi.Domestic market has been slow and many die makers are looking for new market in overseas. However, such overseas business development is allowed just for major companies due to some reasons. One of them is no gateway and no contact for small and mid sized companies.
  Mr. Takagi says “We can be an angel for overseas business.” Market research, Correspondence, Quotation, Negotiation and Export Import, etc. In background, Mr. Yuji Takagi CEO has long experience of overseas business at major die maker. He quit a die maker and decided to start his business with his unique idea and strategy. He developed unique business tool which is Website.

1. Quick Quote System
 This system estimates cost of die automatically.
2. Die Maker's Network
 This system shows their network members, facility and open capacity and even pictures.
3. Project Management System
 This is aid to follow up tools.

  They introduced Website last year offering above service to customers in free. This is aiming to introduce their network members of small and mid sized die makers to overseas customers and develop business speedy.

해외 절충 업무를 대행 / 중소 금형 메이커의 중개 역할

 가타야 닷컴은 해외 겨냥의 자동차용금형의 전문상사.자사의 홈페이지로 금형의 수발주를 중개하고 금형관련의 국내중소기업과 해외 시장의 중개역할을 한다.특히 본고장 군마현 오타시 주변은 금형 메이커의 집적지.
지방 산업의 중소기업과 함께 걷는 응원형 기업 기획이념으로 사업확대를 꾀하고 있다.”
국내 시장의 침체로  금형 메이커가 해외시장에 활로를 찾고 있다. ,해외 영업거점을 두고 시장 개척을 추진하는 것은 대기업이라 불리우는 일부의기업.많은 하청을 포함한 중소기업은 창구 부재로 인한 해외라는 매력적인 시장을 곁눈질해 하루하루의 가격절감대응에 쫒기고 있다.
해외 영업부 부르는 가타야 사는 그런 중소 금형 메이커의 해외 절충 업무를 대행한다.  배경에 있는것이 대형 금형 메이커에 재직했던 다카기 대표의 해외영업 경험.   다져논 인맥이야말로 독립할 때의 재산이 되어  회사의 사업골자이기도 하다.
국내 중소와 해외 기업의 수발주를 원만화하는 무기가  회사의  사이트다. 등록제로 기업의 보유설비라든지 생산상황을 세계의 금형관련기업에 정보 발신.거기다 획득해던 수주를 조언, 등록 기업에 발주하는 것으로 신속한 상품공합을 가능하게 했다.
독립의 길을 선택해 설립하지 얼마안되는 기업은 자금면에서 고생이 뒤따른다.군마현 오타시의 인큐베이터 조성 사업으로 3년간 건물세의 반액보조를받고 있다. 금전적 이점에 더해  고장의 산업을 위해  일해주었으면 좋겠다 말이 격려가 되고 있다라고
한다. 재무관리면의 인재 부족은 시의 벤처지원 센타의 지원을 유효하게 활용하고 있다.
당면의 목표는 매상 2 5천만엔의 달성.사업을 계속해나가는데 있어서 기업은 아무리 힘들어도 매년 성장해나가지 않으면 안된다  신념을 갖고 있다.구체화  수단으로서 매력있는 기업 만들기 추진 장래으로 10 이내로 종업원 20-30 체제 년간 25-30억엔 기업으로 이끌어낸다.




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